The sun was slowly going down the horizon. As it went down, the burning light of the sun got dull and it looked like a huge disc of orange and yellow. The sun’s orange was mingling with the light blue colour of the sky and it produced a vast contrast of different colours. It was like watching a screen slowly changing colours. The scene was truly beautiful. The dull light of the sun somehow illuminated everything in a way I had never seen them before. Everything was almost still and the effect of the light made the scene look like one in a painting. The waves of the sea also seemed to have changed their colour to a dull mixture of yellow and orange. The water was sparkling like diamonds in the light. The sun was gradually going down and by the time it almost disappeared, the sky had patterns of different colours, from light purple to a dull blue. The scene looked mesmerizing. The birds were also chirping and flying away to their homes. The pleasant breeze, the sweet smell of salty water mixed in sand and the sound of waves crashing against each other completed the scene of a perfect sunset I had always read about in books.</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">matahari perlahan turun cakrawala. Seperti itu turun, cahaya terbakar matahari mendapat membosankan dan itu tampak seperti cakram besar oranye dan kuning. oranye matahari itu berbaur dengan warna biru muda dari langit dan menghasilkan kontras yang luas dari warna yang berbeda. Rasanya seperti menonton layar perlahan-lahan berubah warna. adegan itu benar-benar indah. Cahaya suram dari matahari entah bagaimana diterangi segala sesuatu dengan cara saya belum pernah melihat mereka sebelumnya. Semuanya hampir masih dan efek cahaya membuat adegan terlihat seperti dalam sebuah lukisan. Gelombang laut juga tampaknya telah berubah warna mereka untuk campuran membosankan kuning dan oranye. air berkilau seperti berlian di dalam terang. Matahari secara bertahap akan turun dan pada saat itu hampir menghilang, langit memiliki pola warna yang berbeda, dari ungu ke biru kusam. Adegan tampak memesona. Burung-burung juga berkicau dan terbang jauh ke rumah mereka. Angin menyenangkan, bau manis air asin dicampur dalam pasir dan suara ombak menabrak satu sama lain menyelesaikan adegan dari matahari terbenam sempurna aku selalu baca di buku.</div> <div class="show-more-end">